Coffee & Conversation @ Clubhouse
Join your fellow campers for coffee @ the Clubhouse
Join your fellow campers for coffee @ the Clubhouse
Meet @ the clubhouse to walk or bike with your fellow campers around the resort
Join your fellow pickle ballers at the courts. Beginners welcome.
Bring your favorite drink, your coloring books, supplies and let’s have some relaxing fun! We have some supplies to share also!
Learn How to paint like Bob Rossi! Join us for this free Demo class!
Certified Bob Ross painting instructor (CRI). Dan Wilcox will do a painting demo, much like Bob Ross did for many years on PBS where he would paint a beautiful painting in about 30 minutes If there is interest for me to conduct a workshop experience, then we could schedule that very soon after the demo. … Continued
Join your fellow campers for coffee @ the Clubhouse
Meet @ the clubhouse to walk or bike with your fellow campers around the resort
Join your fellow pickle ballers at the courts. Beginners welcome.
Iris will lead some type of exercise from water aerobics to chair aerobics
Bring whatever project you are working on. Show off your crafting skills and inspire others!