Pickleball – open court
Join your fellow pickle ballers at the courts. Beginners welcome.
Join your fellow pickle ballers at the courts. Beginners welcome.
Iris will lead some type of exercise from water aerobics to chair aerobics
Bring whatever project you are working on. Show off your crafting skills and inspire others!
Meet new friends and roast a hot dog over the fire. We provide the hot dog and all the fixings. By Donation. All donations will go to our Charity K9’s for Warriors!
Calling all Poker, Euchre, Bridge, Spades, Left Right Center Card players… Tonight is your night! Stop by the Campfires to Roast a hot dog, then head over to the Clubhouse for a fun night of cards.
Join your fellow campers for coffee @ the Clubhouse
Meet @ the clubhouse to walk or bike with your fellow campers around the resort
Join your fellow pickle ballers at the courts. Beginners welcome.
Bring your favorite drink, your coloring books, supplies and lets have some relaxing fun! We have some supplies to share also!