12 events found.
Calendar of Events
Coffee & Conversation @ Clubhouse
Join your fellow campers for coffee @ the Clubhouse
Morning Move – Walking Club
Meet @ the clubhouse to walk or bike with your fellow campers around the resort
Pickleball – open court
Join your fellow pickle ballers at the courts. Beginners welcome.
Guest led exercise group @ clubhouse
Iris will lead some type of exercise from water aerobics to chair aerobics
Craft Club @ Clubhouse
Bring whatever project you are working on. Show off your crafting skills and inspire others!
Trivia Night
ClubhouseBring your favorite beverage. Come join your friends for a friendly Trivia Game. This is a guest led event.
Game Night @ Clubhouse
See what games are being played at the Clubhouse. Bring your favorite game, Poker, Dominos, Canasta
Coffee & Conversation @ Clubhouse
Join your fellow campers for coffee @ the Clubhouse